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39 Products
30,00 €
Sobib Glock mudelitele 17, 22, 24, 31, 34, 35 ja ainult 1-3 generatsioonile. – Assists and promotes a proper grip for improved stability and accuracy – Funnels the magazine into the grip for faster reloads under pressure – Adds protection to the base of the magazine, minimizing possible jams or […]
30,00 €
The WG-1911 Polymer Magazine Well Grip is our answer for your 1911 providing a durable & light weight, slim profile mag-well Grip. Mag-well funnel for rapid magazine change Replace the original grip, no modification needed Quick and easy installation – no gunsmith required Textured surface for improved grip and Control […]
125,00 €
Glocki performance päästik vastab nendele nõuetele mida soovivad laskurid, kes tahavad kergemat ja ergonoomilisemat päästikut. Päästikult on lame esikülg ja turvaomadused on endiselt samad, mis standardpäästikul. Sobib Gen5 põlvkonnale: Glock 19, Glock 19x, Glock 17, Glock 45, Glock 26, Glock 34; Glock 47MOS Sobib Gen4 põlvkonnale: Glock 19, Glock 17, […]