35 Products



    Product categories

  • 120,00 

    Shooting distance is 50 meters NB: Only in Tallinn! The package is intended for one person, with the option to buy additional rounds. The package includes: 5 guns 25 shots Safety and instruction distance 50m Protection equipment instructor   Sniper rifle Anschütz 525 optic sight (Germany) – shots: 5 Sniper […]

  • 120,00 

    The package is for two persons. It is possible to buy extra shots. Shooting package includes: 7 guns 50+50 shots Safety and instruction safety equipment and targets instructor   Glock 44 pistol with silencer – .22lr calibre – Police training weapon . 10 + 10 shots. Pistol Colt 1911 – […]

  • 125,00 

    Relvaloa esmataotlejale soovitame laskekatse täispaketti, mille käigus instruktor tutvustab Teile põhjalikult relvaeksami laskekatset. Paketi programm on detailsem võrreldes ühekordse koolituspaketiga, annab põhjalikuma kogemuse relva käsitlemiseks ning kindlama enesetunde relvaeksami laskekatse sooritamiseks.

  • 145,00 

    This is how steel hardens! The package is intended for one person, with the option to buy additional rounds. Shooting package includes: 11 guns 82 shots Safety and instruction Protection equipment instructor   Glock 44 pistol with silencer – .22lr calibre – Police training weapon . 10 shots. Pistol Glock […]

  • 150,00 

    Description The package is for two persons. Each additional person costs €75 extra. Shooting package includes: 9 guns 53+53 shots Safety and instruction Protection equipment instructor   Pistol Glock 17 – 9×19 calibre – The world famous 9mm pistol. The gun is semi-plastic and is in use in many countries. […]

  • New

    NB: Ainult Tallinnas!

    Koolitus on individuaalne ja on mõeldud ainult relvaloa omanikele.

    Täpne lask tähendab seda, et te tabate seda märki, mida te tahate tabada. Kas siis 2 meetri pealt laudaust või 50 meetri pealt kanamuna.

    Koolituse käigus õpime õiget laskmisasendit, õiget relvahoiet, õiget sihtimist ja ka õiget päästmist. Kõige eelnimetatu kohta on kindel tehnika ja harjutused ja ka õpimeetod. Koolituse lõpus olete oluliselt parem laskja ja oskate ka iseseisvalt edasi harjutada.

    Kestvus: 1,5 – 2 tundi

    Kasutades meie relva ja laskemoona, lisandub 25€ ning lisaks 0,35€/padrun.

  • New

    NB: Ainult Tallinnas!

    Koolitus on mõeldud neile, kes tunnevad sügavamat huvi relvade ja nende toimimispõhimõtete vastu. Koolituse käigus õpime tundma ja ka laseme nelja enamlevinud relvaliiki. Lisaks laskmisele saate ka baastasemel relva lahti võtta ja kokku panna ja ka õppida relva laadimist.

    Koolituse läbinuna oskate enamlevinuid relvi kasutada ja ka ohutuks teha. Väga vajalik oskus tänapäeva maailmas.

    Relvaluba ei ole vajalik

  • 199,00 

    Like in the movies, but for real! The package is intended for one person, with the option to buy additional rounds. Shooting package includes: 11 guns 122 shots Safety and instruction Protection equipment instructor   Glock 44 pistol with silencer – .22lr calibre – Police training weapon .10 shots Revolver […]

  • 225,00 

    To get your spirits and adrenaline pumping before the party starts, get yourself going with a good tune-up. The package is for groups of 6 people or more. If you wish, you can increase the size of the group. Each additional person costs €40. Lets can be bought on request. […]

  • 245,00 

    Koolitus on mõeldud erelvaloa taotlejatele, kes soovivad ettevalmistust politsei relvaeksamiks, pakume vastavat erikursust mis sisaldab nii teoreetilise kui praktilise osa.

    Tutvu koolituste kalendriga siin

  • 275,00 

    To get your spirits and adrenaline pumping before the party starts, get yourself going with a good tune-up. The package is for groups of 6 people or more. If you wish, you can increase the size of the group. Each additional person costs €45. Lets can be bought on request. […]

  • 300,00 

    The package is designed for groups of 5 people or more.

    Each additional shooter costs 60€

  • 300,00 

      To get your spirits and adrenaline pumping before the party starts, give yourself a good workout. Put your PEIGMEES to the test with our most FAVOURITE package Jackass!!!! The package is for groups of 6 people or more. If you wish, you can increase the size of the group. […]

  • 700,00 

    The package is designed for groups of 10 people or more.

    Each additional shooter costs 70€.

  • 900,00 

    The package is designed for groups of 10 people or more.

    Each additional shooter costs 90€.