493 Products
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0,46 €
Characterized by its quality and aggressiveness. The bullet, with a very light truncated cone geometry, is optimized for each caliber. Its surface-treated Tumbaga 90/10 surface maximizes slippage in the barrel and deformation on impact. Considered armored for its penetrating power and low piercing power. Kaliiber 9×19 100gr.
0,46 €
Characterized by its quality and aggressiveness. The bullet, with a very light truncated cone geometry, is optimized for each caliber. Its surface-treated Tumbaga 90/10 surface maximizes slippage in the barrel and deformation on impact. Considered armored for its penetrating power and low piercing power. Kaliiber .380auto 85gr.
6,00 €
See väike tööriist hõlbustab Glock püstoli lahtivõtmist ja kokkupanemist. Tavapuhastuseks seda vaja ei ole, aga kui plaan on tihvte eemaldama hakata, siis selleks toiminguks ongi see riistapuu mõeldud. Tavaliselt kiputakse kasutama lahtivõtmisel esimest kättejuhtuvat asja, kas siis kruvikeerajat, naela vms. See võib aga relva kriimustada, ei sobi mõõtudega jne. Glocki […]
6,00 €
GLOCK SAFE ACTION® PISTOLSRUBBER PATCH Show your passion for GLOCK with the GLOCK Safe Action® pistols rubber patch on all your velcro-compatible surfaces. No matter if it is on your range bag, your plate carrier or your jacket – the 8 cm big GLOCK Safe Action® pistols rubber patch fits on nearly every […]