


Like in the movies, but for real!

The package is intended for one person, with the option to buy additional rounds.

Shooting package includes:
  • 11 guns
  • 122 shots
  • Safety and instruction
  • Protection equipment
  • instructor


  • Glock 44 pistol with silencer .22lr calibrePolice training weapon .10 shots
  • Revolver Ruger GP100 Caliber .38SPL – Solid, shiny and powerful, the Ruger GP100 has always been a favourite of mobsters. 5 shots.
  • Pistol Glock 17 Carbine red dot9×19 caliber – Semi-automatic Glock carbine with red dot sight. Fires where the red dot is aimed. 15 shots.
  • Automatic Colt M4 5.56×45 calibre – M4 tactical carbine with holographic sight. High-tech semi-automatic weapon of the American infantry, used by both regular and special forces. The muzzle velocity of the bullet is over one kilometre per second! 10 shots.
  • Revolver Ruger Redhawk .44mag (USA)Very common weapon in North America – KARUMAAL. 5 shots
  • Pistol 2xGlock 17 9×19 calibre – The world famous 9mm pistol. Shooting with two hands at once. 60 shots.
  • Automatic AK-47aka Kalashnikov. A legendary semi-automatic military weapon that needs no further introduction. Great for anger therapy! 10 shots.
  • Pistol Desert EagleCalibre .50AE. – The most powerful pistol in the world, whose looks say it all. Empty weight 2 kg, firing range up to 3 metres. A must-have in any mafia movie! 1 shot.
  • Revolver Ruger Super Redhawk .454casullCalibre .454 Casull Magnum. – The unnecessarily powerful handgun on planet Earth, according to the gun magazines. 1 shot.
  • Pump-action shotgun Winchester DefenderCalibre 12 – Tactical shotgun. The weapon is affectionately known as Mr Roomcleaner because of its effectiveness in close combat. 5 shots.